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Showing posts from January, 2014


So, besides the fact that this song's lyrics are hitting way  too close to home right now, I'm looking for help setting up 1.) more of a web presence than I currently have, and b.) a more impressive web presence than I currently have. I've already put two library books on WordPress on hold. Anyone have tutorial or book suggestions? Thanks!

So. Good news for you guys...

The bad news is that I got laid off. Which means I'll be writing more here? Yay? It was about three o'clock or three-thirty. The admin dean and the admin director took me into an office and ripped off the band aid right away, which I appreciated. The school budget is just a wreck, and given that I was still technically on my probation, and I had the least seniority, I was the one elected Judas goat to be sacrificed upon the altar of academic finance (or lack thereof). Baa. To be fair, they gave me names and numbers, urged me to speak to campus HR, and promised glowing recommendations. However, I'm finding I'm getting pretty damn tired of my income hinging on the whims of others, not to mention the winds of fate. So, yeah. Maybe this is what I need to get my tuchus in gear. Silver lining, anyone?